Kara proclaims only the truth

Kara proclaims only the truth


By Rachel Avraham

In an interview on Israeli radio, former Israeli Communication Minister Ayoob Kara proclaimed that he went to Jethro’s Tomb to pray that “the peace will last,” there will be unity among our people and that the missing and captive Israelis will return for “Hanukkah is a holiday of miracles.”

He noted that in 2010, no one believed that peace with the greater Arab world without the Palestinians was possible, yet it now has happened with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, Morocco, and Bhutan.

“Everything that I say, I don’t just say it,” he proclaimed.  “I say the truth.”  In the interview, Kara noted that four years ago, he mentioned the possibility that robots should take care of Nasrallah’s tunnels in Lebanon.

For a couple of weeks, he recalled that people made a mockery of him, yet now it has happened, and people have apologized to him.

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